You are here: 5. Job Costing > 5.4. TRANSACTIONS Menu: Transaction Processing > 5.4.2. Transactions - Manufactured Job > Maintaining the Manufactured Job Header > Enter Manufactured Job - Load Estimate Header
Enter Manufactured Job - Load Estimate Header

This option only applies if you have the Micronet Estimating System (MES) installed as part of MJC. Use this option to load the header details from an estimate into the currently displayed job header.


Technical Tip

You can also load the materials, text and labour lines from an estimate, but you do that on the Manufactured Job Entry screen (refer to "Manufactured Job Entry - Edit - Read Estimate").

To load the header details from an estimate:

  1. Display the Enter Manufactured Job screen.

Refer to "Maintaining the Manufactured Job Header".


Micronet displays a selection screen with a list of estimates for manufactured jobs.

  1. If required, you can filter the estimates by Estimate No or Item.

Micronet displays the estimates matching your criteria at the bottom of the screen.

  1. Double-click on the estimate you want to load, or select an estimate and press the Enter key.

Micronet redisplays the Enter Manufactured Job screen with the estimate header details loaded into the job header.